Aims and Objectives of the Central Wool Development Board

  • To promote the growth and development of wool & woolen products.
  • Evolve an integrated approach to wool production and its utilization in the formulation of schemes, extension work, implementation, and evaluation aimed at augmenting wool production and upgrading its quality.
  • To promote or undertake arrangements for better marketing and stabilizing the price of wool and wool products.
  • To promote standardization of wool & woolen products.
  • To propagate or undertake measures for quality control for wool & woolen products.
  • To sponsor, assist, coordinate, and encourage scientific, technological, and economic research into animal husbandry practices, wool production, utilization, and marketing to improve wool quality, yield, and utilization.
  • To promote or undertake surveys and studies aimed at collecting and formulating statistics on wool, woolen products, employment, and income potential in the sector.
  • To propagate information useful to wool growers, dealers, and manufacturers of woolen products.
  • To improve existing markets and develop new areas in wool usage.
  • To advise the Central Government on matters relating to the growth and development of wool, including the import and export of wool & wool products.
  • To assist, promote, coordinate, and harmonize the activities of various agencies, including private and non-governmental organizations, for the development of wool & woolen products.